NY Medicaid  
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tools center

Below is an overview of all tools, support and applications for eMedNY. Below each tool there are important documents and links pertaining to that tool. For additional help and support, please visit our self help section, or feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

PTAR Overview
User Manual
Frequently Asked Questions
PTAR/MMTP Facility Administrator User ID Request Form

Enrolling in the Web Portal
Core Web Services Enrollment
Retrieving a User ID in the Web Portal
Reset a Password in the Web Portal
Web Portal User Administration
Identity Access Management Portal For Accessing eMedNY Apps User Guide EVV Technical User Guide Facility Practitioner NPI Reporting (Web Instructions)

Facility Practitioner NPI Reporting (Batch Instructions)

Facility Practitioner NPI Reporting FAQs

Providers who enroll in EFT will have their Medicaid payments and remittances more efficiently and expediently. SIGN UP HERE The eMedNY LISTSERV® is a new Medicaid mailing system that offers providers, vendors and other subscribers the opportunity to receive a variety of notifications from eMedNY. SIGN UP HERE User Manual

View/download all NYS Department of Health's monthly Medicaid Updates

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