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About Provider Outreach

Provider Outreach is responsible for the administration and coordination of regional training and outreach activities for the eMedNY Provider Services department. Outreach (Regional) Representatives conduct provider training and assist providers with issues they have not resolved using other available resources.

The Provider Outreach Team

eMedNY Provider Outreach Representatives are located in eight regions across New York state. The graphic below shows the counties within each Outreach Representative's region.

eMedNY Provider Outreach Representative Counties

Mohawk Valley/Adirondacks/North Country Buffalo/Western NY Long Island Syracuse/South-Central NY Capital District Area Hudson Valley/Catskills Rochester/Finger Lakes New York City Area

Outreach Topics

Outreach Representatives assist providers with a wide range of eMedNY topics. Some examples include:

Outreach Methods

Outreach representatives evaluate your training request, questions and issues to determine the most appropriate method to meet your training needs. Assistance and training alternatives include:

The outreach representative is able to determine the most appropriate method to assist the provider based upon their individual needs.

Support to Agencies and Organizations

The Provider Outreach Representatives also work closely with various agencies and organizations, such as medical societies and provider associations. The Outreach staff is available to provide support, attend meetings and customize training presentations.

How to Request Assistance

Outreach assistance is available free of charge. To request Provider Outreach assistance, contact the eMedNY Call Center at 800-343-9000 or complete the Contact Provider Outreach Form.

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