Glossary |
A | B | C
| D | E | F
| G | H | I
| J | K | L
| M | N | O
| P | Q | R
| S
T | U | V
| W | X | Y
| Z
A |
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American Dental Association
Dental procedure codes portion of HCPCS
and standard dental claim form have been approved by this
- Aid to Families with Dependent Children
Categorical eligibility category prior to implementation on
AHIP - AIDS Health Insurance Program
AHRH- At Home Residential Habilitation
ARU - Audio
Response Unit
An interactive dial-in voice response unit accessed by digital phone and utilized by providers to verify Medicaid eligibility and conditions of coverage. The ARU is also referred to as a Voice Response Unit, Automatic Voice Response and Interactive Voice Response. Information about verifying eligibility for Medicaid Clients can be found in the MEVS Provider Manual in the Provider Manuals section of this website.
ATC - Alcohol
Treatment Center
The process by which the WMS
automatically assigns a managed care recipient to a managed
care provider if the recipient does not select a provider
within a specified time frame
AVRS - Automated
Voice Response System
See Audio
Response Unit
AWP - Average Wholesale Price used for drug pricing
B |
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- Beneficiary Data Exchange
A file containing data from CMS
regarding persons receiving Medicare benefits from the Social
Security Administration
BOEE- Bureau of Environmental Exposure
A procedure whereby the State pays a monthly premium to the
Security Administration on behalf of eligible Medical
Assistance recipients, enrolling them in the Medicare Part
A and/or Part B Program
C |
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CASE - Computer-Aided
Software Engineering
Software development tool
CCF - Claim
Correction Form
Generated by eMedNY
and sent to the provider that submitted the claim for correction
of selected information and resubmitted by the provider with
additional or corrected information
CCN - Claim
Control Number
See Transaction
Control Number
CEDR - Client
Eligibility Data Repository
Claims and Encounter Processing
System component that handles the editing, pricing, and adjudication
of claims submitted to the eMedNY system
CFOI- Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
Code of Federal Regulations
Federal regulations that define Medicaid rules and regulations
CG - Companion Guide
A Companion Guides is a written specification used by Trading Partners to create eMedNY claims and requests and to interpret eMedNY responses to multiple transactions. The New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH) has provided Medicaid Companion Documents to assist Providers, Clearinghouses and all Covered Entities in preparing HIPAA compliant transactions. NYS DOH has focused primarily on the rules and policies regulating the submission of Medicaid data that are provided within each Companion Guide document. NYS DOH has provided the information as a tool to make the Provider’s job easier in preparing electronic transactions in a HIPAA compliant manner. Companion Guides are located here.
CHP - Child Health Plus
This is ahealth insurance plan for children. Depending on the family’s income, a child may be eligible to join either Child Health Plus A (formerly Children’s Medicaid) or Child Health Plus B. Both Child Health Plus A and B are available through many providers throughout the state.
CIDP- Chronic Illness Demonstration Project
A provider's request for reimbursement of Medicaid-covered
services, submitted to the department using approved claim
forms or approved electronic submittal media
CLIA - Clinical
Laboratory Improvement Amendments
A federally mandated set of certification criteria and data
collection monitoring system designed to ensure the proper
certification of clinical laboratories
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
The Federal agency that oversees the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
COS - Category of Service
A service or group of services which the provider is eligible to render under the Medicaid program. Provider services are categorized for processing and reporting purposes. COS is assigned by New York State at the time of enrollment.
Mandatory medical services required by HCFA
and optional medical services approved by the State
for which the enrolled provider will be reimbursed for services
provided to eligible Medicaid recipients
CPAS - Claims
Processing Assessment System
Manual or automated claims analysis tool used by the Department
of Health for quality control reviews
CRCS - Capitation Rate Calculation Sheet
CRN - Claim
Reference Number
See Transaction
Control Number
C/THP - Child/Teen
Health Program
New York State's EPSDT
program |
D |
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DAC - Disabled Adult Child
DACE- Date Active Care Ended
DEA - Drug Enforcement
DEAA - Data Exchange Application & Agreement
Number assigned to prescribing providers (e.g. physicians)
as a part of controlled substances management
DED - Data Element Dictionary
DFA - Department
of Family Assistance
Responsible for overseeing the Local
Departments of Social Services (LDSS) in the determination
of eligibility of Medicaid clients
DHHS - Department
of Health and Human Services Responsible for the administration of Medicaid at the Federal level through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
DIS - Detailed Implementation Schedule Document submitted to the CMS regional office at the start of the eMedNY Implementation Phase to document the project plan, and updated periodically to keep CMS informed of progress.
DME - Durable
Medical Equipment
Equipment such as wheelchairs, hospital beds, and other non-disposable
medically necessary equipment
DOCS - Department of Correctional Services
DOH - Department
of Health
New York State agency responsible for the administration of
the Medicaid program at the state level
DRG - Diagnosis-Related
Used as a basis of payment for some hospital inpatient stays
Program authorized by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
of 1990 (OBRA-90) in which legend drug manufacturers, or labelers,
enter into an agreement with DHHS
to provide financial rebates to states based on the dollar
amount of their drugs reimbursed by the Medicaid program
DSH - Disproportionate
Share Hospital
Reimbursement to selected hospitals to compensate for health
care services that have been provided to members of New York's
indigent population
DSMO - Designated
Standards Maintenance Organizations
A group of organizations managing HIPAA standard change requests
DSS - Decision
Support System
Data warehouse component
DSS - Department
of Social Services
New York State agency previously responsible for overseeing
the Local
Departments of Social Services (LDSS) in the determination
of eligibility of Medicaid clients; DSS has been superseded
by the Department
of Family Assistance (DFA), which has been reorganized
into several components
DUR - Drug Utilization
Federally mandated, Medicaid-specific prospective
and retrospective
drug utilization review system and all related services and
activities necessary to meet all Federal and State DUR requirements
DVS - Dispensing
Validation System
E |
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EAC - Estimated
Acquisition Cost
Federal pricing requirements for drugs
EBT - Electronic
Benefits Transfer
EC - Electronic
Commerce (E-Commerce)
Term applied to group a variety of electronic business components
of the Medicaid program. Included in electronic commerce are
1) electronic banking, including Electronic
Funds Transfer (EFT), Electronic
Benefits Transfer (EBT), and cash management systems;
2) electronic transaction processing, including claims, encounter
data, and MEVS
transactions; and 3) Internet on-line services and information
- Electronic Claims Capture (and Adjudication)
Refers to the direct transmission of electronic claims over
phone lines to the MEVS;
ECC provides the ability to utilize Point-of-Service
devices and PCs used for eligibility verification, claims
capture, application of ProDUR,
prepayment editing, and response to and acceptance of claims
submitted on-line
ECM - Electronic
Claims Management
ECS - Electronic
Claims Submission
Submission of claims in electronic format rather than paper
EDI - Electronic
Data Interchange
EDP - Electronic
Data Processing
EEDSS - Electronic Eligibility Decision Support System
EFT - Electronic
Funds Transfer
Paying providers for approved claims via electronic transfer
of funds from the State
directly to an account specified by the provider.
EMC - Electronic
Media Claims
Claims submitted in electronic format rather than paper
EOB - Explanation
of Benefits
An explanation of denied or reduced payment included on a
EOMB - Explanation
of Medical Benefits
A form provided by eMedNY and then sent to clients; the EOMB details the payment/denial
of claims submitted by providers for services provided to
the recipient
EOP - Explanation
of Payment
Provides a description of reimbursement activity on the remittance
EOS - Enterprise
Output System
Electronic Provider Assisted Claim Entry System
A web-based program that allows enrolled New York Medicaid providers to submit and receive responses for HIPAA-compliant claims, eligibility requests, prior approval requests and claim status requests. Detailed information about ePACES can be found in the NYHIPAADESK section of this website. Click on ePACES General Information and Enrollment.
EPIC - Elderly
Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage
A New York State-funded program to cover prescriptions for the elderly population with limited income earnings.
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment
Also known as C/THP
in New York; a program for Medicaid-eligible recipients under
the age of twenty-one (21); EPSDT offers free preventive health
care services such as screenings, well-child visits, and immunizations;
if medical problems are discovered, the recipient is referred
for further treatment.
Electronic Transmitter Identification Number
This was formerly known as TSN. An ETIN is a number required for a provider to submit electronic claims to Medicaid. The ETIN is assigned by eMedNY and is linked to a provider’s Medicaid ID number by a Certification Statement. Both forms are available on this website. Look in the Featured Links Section and click on Provider Enrollment Forms.
F |
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FA - Fiscal Agent
A contractor who operates a claims processing system and pays
providers on behalf of the State
FAQ - Frequently
Asked Questions
A list of common questions and associated answers on a specified
FDR - First
Data Resources
FEIN - Federal
Employer Identification Number
A number assigned to businesses by the Federal government.
FFP - Federal
Financial Participation
Percentage of State
expenditures to be reimbursed to the State by the Federal
government for medical services and administrative costs ofthe Medicaid program
FHP - Family Health Plus
Family Health Plus is a public health insurance program for adults between the ages of 19 and 64 who do not have health insurance - either on their own or through their employers - but have income or resources too high to qualify for Medicaid. Family Health Plus is available to single adults, couples without children, and parents with limited income who are residents of New York State and are United States citizens or fall under one of many immigration categories.
Family Health Plus provides comprehensive coverage, including prevention, primary care, hospitalization, prescriptions and other services. There are minimal co-payments for some Family Health Plus services. Health care is provided through participating managed care plans.
FIPS - Federal
Information Processing Standards
Year - Federal
Operational year defined as October 1 through September 30
Year - State
Operational year defined as April 1 through March 31
FQHC - Federally
Qualified Health Center
G |
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Code structure used by the Geographic
Information System to accumulate data by geographic locations
GIS - Geographic
Information System
Commercial software which uses Geocoding
to display data in map format
GUI - Graphical
User Interface
H |
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HCBS - Home
and Community-Based Services
Federal category of Medicaid services and waiver programs,
established by Section 2176 of the Social Security Act, that
includes adult day care, respite care, homemaker services,
training in activities of daily living skills, and services
not normally covered by Medicaid; these services are provided
to disabled and aged recipients to allow them to live in the
community and avoid being placed in an institution
HCFA - Health
Care Financing Administration
Federal agency that oversees the Medicaid and Medicare programs
standardized claim form used to bill professional services
Common Procedure Coding System
Uniform health care procedural coding system approved for
use by HCFA;
includes all subsequent editions and revisions thereof
HIC - Health
Insurance Claim number
Number used to identify Medicare beneficiaries
HID - Health Information Designs
Responsible for the current Retrospective Drug Utilization Review conducted
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
HIV-EFP HIV Enhanced Fee Program
The New York State Department of Health, AIDS Institute sponsors a program, which pays enhanced Medicaid fees for qualified primary care physicians and specialists who provide services to persons with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease. The Department invites interested physicians, who meet certain eligibility and practice requirements, to apply to participate in the HIV Enhanced Fee for Physicians Program (HIV-EFP). In an effort to expand the network of HIV primary care providers, the NYSDOH is offering qualified, office-based physicians enhanced Medicaid reimbursement for HIV primary care services through the HIV-EFP program. To enroll in the HIV-EFP visit the Provider Enrollment Forms section of this website. Click on the HIV Enhanced Fee Payment.
HMO - Health
Maintenance Organization
Human Services Application Service Center
I |
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- International Classification of Diseases, 9th
Revision, Clinical Modification
ICD-9-CM codes are standardized diagnosis codes used on claims
submitted by providers
- Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded
ICFs/MR provide residential care treatment for Medicaid-eligible,
mentally retarded individuals
Institutions for Mental Disease
IOC - Inspection
of Care
Provides a review of residents in psychiatric hospitals and
ICFs/MR; review process serves as a mechanism to ensure the
health and welfare of institutionalized residents
IPRO - Island
Peer Review Organization
IREF - Interim
Recipient Eligibility File
A system operated on the HSASC
data center to gather client-related data together to transmit
to eMedNY and MEVS
ITF - Integrated
Test Facility
A copy of the production version of eMedNY used for testing maintenance and modification changes prior to implementation of changes in the "production" system.
L |
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- Local Area Network
LDOH - Local
Departments of Health
Local district entities responsible for implementing health
programs at the local level
LDSS - Local
Departments of Social Services
Local district entities responsible for Medicaid eligibility
determination and for performing a number of Medicaid functions
LIF - Low Income
Families program
New York State's TANF
LOC - Level
of Care
New York State local entities - There are fifty-seven (57)
Upstate local districts, corresponding to the Upstate counties;
there is one (1) local district comprising New York City and
environs; the local districts are responsible for one-half
of the State share of Title XIX expenditures
Restriction of a recipient to particular providers, as determined
necessary by the State
LTC - Long-Term
Facilities that provide long-term residential care to recipients
M |
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MAC - Maximum
Allowable Charge
The maximum allowable charge for drugs specified by the Federal
MARS - Management
and Administrative Reporting Subsystem
A federally-mandated comprehensive reporting module of eMedNY,
including data and reports as specified by Federal requirements
MC - Managed Care
MCE - Managed
Care Enrollment
MCO - Managed
Care Organization
MEDS - Medicaid
Encounter Data System
MEVS - Medicaid
Eligibility Verification System
Major component of the New York Medicaid system which performs
certain automated functions, including eligibility verification,
authorizations, prospective
DUR, and managed
care enrollment
MITA - Medicaid Information Technology Architecture
MEQC - Medicaid
Eligibility Quality Control
MMTP - Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program
The goal of methadone maintenance treatment is to reduce illegal heroin use and the crime, death, and disease associated with heroin addiction. Methadone can be used to detoxify heroin addicts, but most heroin addicts who detox—using methadone or any other method—return to heroin use. The goal is to reduce and even eliminate heroin use among addicts by stabilizing them on methadone for as long as is necessary to help them avoid returning to previous patterns of drug use. The benefits of this treatment have been established by hundreds of scientific studies, and there are almost no negative health consequences of long-term methadone treatment, even when it continues for twenty or thirty years.
MOAS - Medicaid
Override Application System
MOE - Model Office
The system testing and quality assurance environment used for
testing functionality and compliance of eMedNY-supported software
across a broad spectrum of supported user configurations.
Medicaid Obstetrical and Maternal Services Program
The MOMS program provides pregnancy services (medical and health supportive) in areas of the state where Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP) health centers are not located. Medical services are provided in private physicians’ offices. Health Supportive Services (HSS) are provided by DOH approved providers. HSS includes the following: nutrition and psychosocial services, health education, HIV counseling and testing, and assistance with the Medicaid and WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) applications. All women enrolled in MOMS receive complete pregnancy care and can enter either by going through a MOMS physician or HSS provider.
MOMS offers routine pregnancy check ups, hospital care during pregnancy and delivery, full health care for the woman until at least two months after delivery and full health care coverage for the baby up to one year of age. To enroll in the MOMS Program visit the Provider Enrollment Forms section of this website. Click on the Medicaid Obstetrical and Maternal Services (MOMS) Program. |
N |
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National Council for Prescription Drug Programs
NDC - National
Drug Code
A generally accepted system for the identification of prescription
and non-prescription drugs available in the United States,
including all subsequent editions, revisions, additions and
preiodic updates
NPI - National
Provider Identifier
Identification number
NSF - National
Standard Format
NYT - New York
Telecommunications network
A statewide New York telecommunications network backbone
O |
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Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services
OLTP - Online
Transaction Processing
OMC - Office
of Managed Care
The office within the Department
of Health responsible for the administration of the Managed
Care program in the State of New York
OMH - Office
of Mental Health
OMM - Office
of Medicaid Management
The office within the Department
of Health responsible for the administration of the Medicaid
program in the State of New York
- Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilties
OSC - Office
of the State Comptroller
P |
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PA - Prior Authorization
/ Prior Approval
Refers to the designated Medicaid services that require providers
to request approval of certain types or amounts of services
from the State prior to the provision of services; PAs are
reviewed by the State
for medical necessity, reasonableness, and other criteria
Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review
Refers to a set of long-term care resident screening and evaluation
services, payable by the Medicaid program, that was authorized
by the Omnibus Budget and Reconciliation Act of 1987
PBX - Public
Branch Extension
PCP - Prepaid Capitation Plan
PCP means a Prepaid Capitation Plan (Medicaid managed care plan). There are several different types of Medicaid managed care plans, HMOs, PHSPs, HIV-SNPs, and PCMPs. These entities are responsible for providing or arranging for most medical services needed by a Medicaid recipient enrolled in the managed care plan.
HMOs, PHSPs and HIV-SNPs provide a comprehensive range of services that includes most Medicaid services. The services covered by the managed care plan are defined by the contract between the managed care plan and the State. Recipients get services not covered by the managed care plan through Medicaid fee-for-service. Generally, claims for covered services are paid for by the managed care plan, except when the recipient is enrolled in a PCMP.
When a recipient is enrolled in a PCMP, claims for covered services, other than primary care, are paid for by Medicaid fee-for-service with an appropriate referral from the PCP. Claims must have the referring ID of the primary care practitioner on the claim, or the service provider will not be paid.
PCP - Primary Care Provider
Primary Care Providers are qualified physicians, or certified nurse practitioners which provide primary care services and coordinate access to other medically necessary services in managed care plans. For more information on Medicaid Managed Care, click on NYHIPAADESK and select Provider Training Materials.
PDCS - Prescription
Drug Card System
PDF - Portable
Document Format
PDN- Private Duty Nurse
Post and Clear
A New York Medicaid process by which ordering/prescribing
providers can authorize laboratory, drugs, or other services
at the time of an eligibility verification query to the MEVS.
A service authorization is generated which permits
the laboratory, pharmacy, or other claim to be paid.
PPAC - Preferred Physician and Children Program
Physicians participating in PPAC receive increased Medicaid fees for visits provided to Medicaid recipients less than 21 years of age. PPAC helps to ensure these recipients’ access to private practice care in New York State. The fee structure for all visits incorporates a regional adjustment for upstate and downstate. The counties considered downstate for this program are Bronx, Kings, Queens, New York, Richmond, Nassau, Putnam, Rockland, Suffolk, and Westchester. To enroll in the PPAC Program visit the Provider Enrollment Forms section of this website. Click on the Preferred Physician and Children’s Program (PPAC) enrollment application.
PPO - Preferred
Provider Organization
PRO - Peer Review
- Prospective Drug Utilization Review
The federally-mandated, Medicaid-specific prospective drug
utilization review system and all related services and
activities necessary to meet all Federal ProDUR requirements
and those of the State of New York.
Q |
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QDWI - Qualified
Disabled Working Individual
A Federal category of Medicaid eligibility for disabled individuals
who have income less than two hundred percent (200%) of the
Federal poverty level; Medicaid benefits cover payment of
the Medicaid Part A premium
QMB - Qualified
Medicare Beneficiary
A Federal category of Medicaid eligibility for aged, blind,
or disabled individuals who are entitled to Medicare Part
A and who have income less than one hundred percent (100%)
of the Federal poverty level and assets less than twice the
asset limit; Medicaid benefits include payment of Medicare
premiums, coinsurance, and deductibles
R |
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RA - Remittance Advice
A summary of payments produced by eMedNY along with provider reimbursement; RAs are sent to providers
along with checks or EFT
RBRVS - Resource-Based Relative
Value Scale
A reimbursement methodology used to calculate payment for
physician, dental, and other practitioners
RetroDUR - Retrospective
Drug Utilization Review
A series of post-payment analytical reports which evaluate
the use of drugs
RJE - Remote Job Entry
RSD - Roger Software Development
S |
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SDX - State
Data Exchange system
The Social
Security Administration's method of transferring SSA entitlement
information to the State
SED - New York
State Education Department
Services/Medical Assistance Interface
Part of the Managed Care Readiness project
Specified Low Income Medicare Beneficiary
A Federal category of Medicaid eligibility for aged, blind,
or disabled individuals with income between one hundred percent
(100%) and one hundred twenty percent (120%) of the Federal
poverty level and assets less than twice the SSI
asset level; Medicaid benefits include payment of the Medicare
Part B premium
Strategic National Implementation Process
A group engaged in an industry-wide process to improve healthcare
SPARCS - Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System
SSA - Social
Security Administration
SSI - Supplementary
Security Income
The Federal supplemental security program that providers cash
assistance to low-income aged, blind, and disabled persons
The State of New York and any of its departments or agencies
and public agencies
SUM - Service
Utilization Management
The eMedNY system component which provides the capability to control
services requiring prior approval
SUR - Surveillance
and Utilization Review
Refers to system functions and activities, mandated by CMS,
which are necessary to maintain complete and continuous compliance
with CMS regulatory requirements for SUR; SPR requirements for SUR
include statistical analysis; exception processing; provider
and recipient profiling; retrospective detection of payments
and/or utilization inconsistent with State or Federal program
policies and/or medical necessity standards; retrospective
detection of fraud and abuse by providers or recipients; sophisticated
data and claim sampling, analysis, and reporting; general
access and processing features; and general reporting and
T |
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TANF - Temporary
Assistance for Needy Families
Replacement program for Aid
to Families with Dependent Children
TCN - Transaction
Control Number
Transaction Control Number is a 16-digit number assigned to a claim during processing and is needed to adjust or void a previously paid claim. The TCN can be found on the provider’s remittance statement.
TMS - Terminal
Management System
TOA - Threshold Override Application
TOAs can be submitted to increase the number of services a patient can receive or to obtain an exemption from the UT Service Authorization Program, depending on the patient's medical needs.
Please note that increases in service limits may only be requested for the recipient's current benefit year. (A benefit year is a 12 month period which usually begins the month in which the recipient becomes Medicaid eligible.) For example, if a recipient's benefit year begins in September (month 09), and the increased limit request is made after September, the provider may submit a TOA to request an increase only for dates occurring after September, but not for dates of service prior to September. Detailed information about the UT Program can be found in the NYHIPAADESK section of this website, Click on Provider Training Materials.
TPR - Third-Party
TSN - Transmission Supplier Number
U |
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Standard claim form used to bill hospital inpatient and outpatient
services; paper equivalent of the Version 4 electronic format
used in New York State
UCC - Usual
and Customary Charge
UT - Utilization
The Utilization Threshold (UT) program monitors the number of services a Medicaid recipient receives in a benefit year. A benefit year is a 12-month period, which begins the month in which the recipient becomes Medicaid eligible. A post payment review is performed for trends or patterns that require further attention.
V |
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VAN - Value-Added
VPN - Virtual
Private Network
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WEDI - Workgroup
for Electronic Data Interchange
A group of individuals focused on improving healthcare through
information exchange and management using electronic commerce
as the vehicle
WMS - Welfare
Management System
WPC - Washington
Publishing Company
Responsible for the publication of all Healthcare Transactions created
from X12's Insurance subcommittee, X12N
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X12 is the DSMO (Designated Standards Maintenance Organization) named as author of all X12N Health Care Transactions under HIPAA.