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Provider Manuals > MEVS and Supplemental Documentation

MEVS and Supplemental Documentation

The following information is not part of your provider manual. However, it may be useful information, and is placed here for your convenience. (When changes are made to this document, the former version will be archived and can be retrieved by clicking on the archive link.)

MEVS Documentation

MEVS/DVS Provider Manual (PDF 952KB)
Version 4.43, December 2022

This manual replaces MEVS/DVS Provider Manual dated February 2022.

MEVS / DVS Provider Manual Archive

MEVS Quick Reference Guides

MEVS Telephone Quick Reference Guide (PDF 52KB)
Version 2017-1 June 2, 2017
MEVS Telephone Quick Reference Guide Archive

Choosing which MEVS method is right for you

MEVS Methods (PDF 79KB)
Version 2019-1 - February 1, 2019

Methods Archive

Supplemental Documentation

FTP Batch Procedure Instructions (PDF 149KB)

This document contains information pertaining to access methods, obtaining access, file preparation procedures, and links to file format specifications in eMedNY's Companion Guides.

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