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Self Help > EFT: Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Enrolling in EFT

Q: What is EFT?

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is a method of transferring payments electronically from NYS Medicaid directly into a Provider's checking or savings account.

Q: How do I enroll in EFT?

To enroll in EFT you must complete an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Enrollment Form . Please carefully read the INSTRUCTIONS SHEET found in the same document and follow its directions. Please note the form must have an original signature (no signature stamps) and that a defaced original check from your checking or savings account must be attached. Provider bank accounts without checks should submit a notarized letter on bank letterhead signed by a bank officer. The letter must include the bank name and address, ABA number, provider account number and tax ID, type of account, bank officer's name, title, signature, and phone number.

Note: A completed EFT form and accompanying check/letter must be submitted for each Provider who wishes to receive funds via EFT. The only exception is for a group practice which only receives checks and remittances with a Group ID.

Q: Can I fax the EFT Enrollment form back?

No, there must be an original signature (no signature stamps) on the form and an original, defaced check or notarized letter on bank letterhead must accompany the form.

Mail to:

ATTN: EFT Processing
P.O. Box 4616
Rensselaer, NY 12144
ATTN: Box 4616 - EFT Processing
327 Columbia Turnpike
Rensselaer, NY 12144
Q: How do I deface the check required with the application?

Use a stamp marked 'Void' or write 'Void' across the face of the check.

Q: I have multiple providers associated with a single TSN/ETIN. Can I send in one form and list the providers?

No, you must submit a signed (no signature stamp) EFT Enrollment Form and defaced original check or notarized letter from the bank for each provider.

Q: My group receives all payments for our association. Where do I indicate the Group ID on the Enrollment Form?

The Group ID may be entered in the Provider ID # only if the Group receives all payments for its associated providers. The Group's executive must sign the form and an original, defaced check or notarized bank letter must accompany the EFT Enrollment form.

Note: If any individual provider in the Group receives a check from Medicaid separate from the Group banking account, a separate signed EFT Enrollment Form and original, defaced check or notarized bank letter must be submitted for that provider.

Q: Can my bank/clearinghouse set EFT up for me?

>No, the form must be signed and submitted by the provider with an original, defaced check or notarized bank letter attached. Only NYS Medicaid can set up the EFT transaction for you.

Q: If I submit claims on paper, can I enroll in EFT?

Yes. You may enroll in EFT to obtain electronic payment and still receive a paper or electronic remittance statement.

Q: I currently receive my remittance statement with my check by mail. What happens if I enroll in EFT?

Your remittance statement will be mailed to the Pay To address on file with NYS Medicaid. The EFT payment will be deposited into your checking or savings account.

Q: Who can sign the EFT Enrollment Form?

The individual practitioner or the administrator for the institution must sign the EFT Enrollment Form. Any unauthorized signatures will be rejected.

Q: I don't have a Tax ID. What should I do?

You may use your Social Security Number.

The EFT Enrollment Process

Q: How long will it take to complete the EFT enrollment process?

The EFT enrollment process can take a minimum of 6-8 weeks.

Q: How will I know when the EFT enrollment process is complete?

Monitor your bank statement. You will receive a test EFT payment of $.01 in your designated checking account. Your first EFT transaction will take place about 10 days later.

Q: Will I be contacted when the enrollment process is complete?

You will only be contacted if the EFT application is not filled out correctly. A notification letter indicating the error on the form will be sent to you.

Q: It's been over 8 weeks since I submitted my EFT Enrollment form and I haven't received the test transaction yet. Where am I in the process?

Please contact the Provider Services Call Center at 800-343-9000 for assistance. Select the option appropriate for your billing type from the phone tree menu.

Q: I received the test $.01 transaction but it has been over 10 days and I have not received the expected EFT payment. What happened?

It is possible that you are not due payment for that cycle. If you do not receive an expected EFT payment, please contact the Provider Services Call Center at 800-343-9000 for assistance. Select the option appropriate to your billing type from the phone tree menu.

After EFT Funds Transfer is Established

Q: When will EFT funds be deposited in my account?

EFT transactions will be initiated on Wednesdays and due to normal banking procedures, the transferred funds may not become available in the provider's chosen account for up to 48 hours after transfer. Please contact your banking institution regarding the availability of funds.

Q: I've changed my bank or checking account. How do I transfer my EFT payment to my new bank or checking account?

You will need to submit a NEW signed (no stamps) EFT Enrollment form with an original, defaced check from the new checking account and a letter on company letterhead indicating the changes. In the interim, until your new EFT Enrollment Form is processed, your payment will revert to a check sent to the Pay To Address on file with NYS Medicaid.

Mail to:

ATTN: EFT Processing
P.O. Box 4616
Rensselaer, NY 12144
ATTN: Box 4616 - EFT Processing
327 Columbia Turnpike
Rensselaer, NY 12144
Q: What is the procedure for terminating EFT payment?

You will need to submit a letter on company letterhead indicating termination of your EFT payment. Include the Provider ID(s) affected. The individual practitioner or administrator for the institution must sign (no stamps) the letter. Your payment will revert back to a paper check 5-6 weeks after the EFT transaction is terminated. The check will be sent to the Pay To Address on file with NYS Medicaid.

Mail to:

ATTN: EFT Processing
P.O. Box 4616
Rensselaer, NY 12144
ATTN: Box 4616 - EFT Processing
327 Columbia Turnpike
Rensselaer, NY 12144
Q: My bank has changed as the result of a merger or buy-out. Do I need to restart the EFT enrollment process?

Only if the routing number and/or account number changes. If these numbers remain the same, there is no need to restart the EFT enrollment process.

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