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What's New > Archives > 2006

Status Date Page/Document Description
New 12/22/06 Provider Manuals Update

Policy section added for:

Changed 12/06/06 Provider Manuals Update

Billing section updated for:

Changed 12/06/06 Provider Manuals Update

Policy section updated for:

New 11/17/06 Provider Manuals Update

Client Enrollment, Transfer, and Disenrollment forms added for:

Changed 11/08/06 Provider Manuals Update

Update to:

New 11/03/06 Provider Manuals Update

Excel-format Fee Schedule added for:

The new Excel-formatted Laboratory Services Fee Schedule is an abbreviated version of the June 1, 2006 update that many providers will find easy to download directly into billing and accounting systems. More fee schedules will be posted in this format in the coming months.

New 11/01/06 Provider Manuals Update

New Provider Communications:

Changed 11/01/06 Provider Manuals Update

Modifications have been made to the following:

Changed 11/01/06 Provider Manuals Update

Policy section updated for:

Changed 10/18/06 Provider Manuals Update

Modifications have been made to the following:

Changed 10/18/06 Provider Manuals Update

Modifications have been made to the following:

Changed 09/27/06 Provider Manuals Update

Modifications have been made to the following:

Changed 09/15/06 Provider Manuals Update

Billing Guidelines section updated for:

New 09/01/06 Provider Manuals Update

Prior Approval Business Location chart added for:

Changed 09/01/06 Provider Manuals Update

Prior Approval Business Location chart updated for:

Changed 09/01/06 Provider Manuals Update

Introduction section updated for:

Changed 08/30/06 Provider Manuals Update

Modifications have been made to the following:

New 08/30/06 Provider Manuals Update

New Provider Communications:

New 07/19/06 Provider Manuals Update

The following documents have been added to the Supplemental Documentation:

New 07/12/06 Provider Manuals Update

Policy section added for:

Changed 07/12/06 Provider Manuals Update

Policy section updated for:

Changed 07/12/06 Provider Manuals Update

Update to:

Changed 07/12/06 Provider Manuals Update

Links to Information for All Providers, Supplemental Documention, Recent Changes, DOH Medicaid Update Website, and Ordering Information have been removed from the main Provider Manuals page and incorporated into each specific Provider Manual page. Procedure Codes and Fee Schedule link has been removed from Provider Manuals to which it does not apply.

New 06/30/06 Provider Enrollment Forms Update

The following Provider Maintenance form was added:

Changed 06/30/06 Provider Manuals Update

Modifications have been made to the following:

New 06/14/06 Provider Manuals Update

Policy section added for:

New 06/09/06 Provider Manuals Update

Policy section added for:

New 06/09/06 Provider Manuals Update

Fee Schedule added for:

Changed 06/09/06 Provider Manuals Update

Modifications have been made to the following:

New 06/02/06 Provider Manuals Update

New Provider Communications:

Changed 05/26/06 Provider Manuals Update

Billing Guidelines section updated for:

Changed 05/26/06 Provider Manuals Update

Fee Schedule section updated for:

Changed 05/26/06 Provider Manuals Update

General Policy section updated for:

Changed 05/04/06 Provider Manuals Update

Updated to:

Changed 05/04/06 Provider Manuals Update

Policy section updated for:

Changed 05/04/06 Provider Manuals Update

Policy section updated for:

Changed 05/03/06 Provider Manuals Update

Provider Manual Update:

Updates to the Policy and Fee Schedule sections.

Changed 04/21/06 Provider Manuals Update

Update to:

Third Party section, the table of prepaid
capitated plan insurance codes has been
updated. New codes have been added,
and obsolete codes deleted.

New 04/21/06 Provider Manuals Update

Policy section updated for:

Changed 04/07/06 Provider Manuals Update

Policy section updated for:

New 04/07/06 Provider Manuals Update

New Provider Communications:

Changed 03/29/06 Self Help Updates to:
Changed 03/29/06 Provider Manuals Update

Stop-loss Policy and Procedure section added for:

New 03/29/06 eMedNY Phase II - Paper Forms

New Forms:

Changed 03/24/06 Provider Manuals Update

Fee Schedule section updated for:

Changed 03/22/06 Provider Manuals Update

Fee Schedule section updated for:

Changed 03/15/06 Provider Manuals Update

Fee Schedule section updated for:

Changed 03/08/06 Provider Manuals Update

Fee Schedule section updated for:

Changed 03/07/06 Provider Manuals Update

Modifications have been added
to the following Provider Manuals:

Changed 02/15/06 Provider Manuals Update

Update to:

The table of third party codes have been
updated. Two new codes have been added:
DC (Benefit Management Services) and
TL277 (Teamsters Local 277).

New 02/15/06 Provider Manuals Update

Policy section added for:

Changed 02/08/06 Provider Manuals Update

Billing Guildlines updated for:

New 02/03/06 Provider Manuals Update

Policy section added for:

Changed 01/25/06 Provider Manuals Update

Modifications have been added
to the following Provider Manuals:


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