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ProDUR/ECCA Standards Manual

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) allows the pharmacy community to submit MEVS transactions in an online real-time environment that performs a Prospective Drug Utilization Review (Pro-DUR). In order to comply with the provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), providers must submit claim and eligibility transactions using the NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version 5.1.

This manual is designed to assist providers and/or software vendors in formatting NCPDP Version 5.1 transactions for eMedNY. This manual can be used in conjunction with the NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Implementation Guide, Version 5 Release 1.

ProDUR/ECCA Standards Manual - Ver. 1.34, January 31, 2011

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Previous versions of the ProDUR/ECCA Standards manual can be found in the ProDUR/ECCA Standards Manual Archive.


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