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What's New > Archives > 2005

Status Date Page/Document Description
Changed 12/27/05 Provider Manuals Update

Modifications have been added
to the following Provider Manuals:

New 12/22/05 Provider Manuals Update

New Provider Communications:

Changed 12/22/05 Provider Manuals Update

Update Manuals:

New 12/22/05 Provider Manuals Update

New Manuals:

New 12/02/05 Provider Manuals Update

New Manuals:

Changed 11/30/05 Provider Manuals Update

Modifications have been added
to the following Provider Manuals:

Changed 10/17/05 Provider Manuals Update

Modifications have been added
to the following Provider Manuals:

Changed 10/03/05 Provider Manuals Update

Modifications have been added
to the following Provider Manuals:

New 09/16/05 Important Notice to
All Providers

Letter to providers regarding Hurricane
Katrina evacuees.

Changed 09/6/05 Provider Manuals Update

Modifications have been added
to the following Provider Manuals:

New 08/24/05 Provider Manuals Update

Sections have been added for:

New 08/24/05 Important Notice to Providers

New provider letters for:

New 07/18/05 Prior Approval Change
Request Form

A Prior Approval Change Request Form has
been added for use when requesting a
modification to a prior approval.

Changed 04/27/05 Provider Manuals Update

Modifications have been added
to the following Provider Manuals:

Changed 03/23/05 Provider Manuals Update

Phase II changes have been added
to the following Provider Manuals:

New 03/15/05 Important Notice to Providers

New provider letters for:

  • New York State Medicaid
    Eligibility Field Software Users
  • Provider Transition Letter
  • Final Notice for HIPAA Compliance
Changed 03/14/05 Provider Manuals Update

Phase II changes have been added
to the following Provider Manuals:

New 03/10/05 Provider Manuals Update

Prior Approval Forms instructions
have been added for the following
provider manuals:

New 01/28/05 New Provider Manual

Sections have been added for:


New 01/24/05 Provider Phase II
Testing Letter

The June issue of the Medicaid Update
announced the upcoming implementation
of eMedNY Phase II, the replacement of the
current Medicaid Management Information
System (MMIS). Several subsequent articles
have discussed topics relating to the new
system. The eMedNY Phase II implementation
is scheduled for March 23, 2005.

The new system will require some changes
to the manner in which providers interact
with the New York State Medicaid Program.

New 01/13/05 Important Notice to Providers!

HIPAA Exception Processing ended
December 29,2004.

If you are still experiencing difficulty
with your conversion to HIPAA, and
were unable able to meet the
December 29 deadline, call the HIPAA
Support Helpline.

The State will evaluate your HIPAA
readiness, and may make special
arrangements to provide relief for
providers that are making a sincere
effort to migrate to HIPAA.


New 01/13/05 DME Provider Manuals Section

Fee Schedule Added.


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