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Revalidation > Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Revalidation

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I recently received a notice that my enrollment has been terminated because I did not revalidate. How do I become an active Medicaid provider again?



Category: Terminations


Published: 3/4/2016


Updated: 3/4/2016


QID: R24



  1. Complete the revalidation form for your provider type now and mail to eMedNY address.
  2. Call 800-343-9000 7 to 10 days later to confirm receipt of your revalidation form.
  3. Ask for 9 digit Enrollment Tracking Number (ETN).
  4. Write the provider mailbox at providerenrollment@health.ny.gov and state that you have revalidated and wish to be reactivated. Provide your Enrollment Tracking Number.
  5. Only with a confirmed ETN # will we reactivate your enrollment.

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