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Provider Enrollment > Applied Behavior Analysis

Provider Enrollment

Option 1

Licensed Behavior Analysts (LBA) - Medicaid Fee-For-Service (FFS)

Click here for enrollment instructions and forms for LBAs providing Applied Behavior Analysis services and billing Medicaid Fee-For-Service (FFS) for these services. This option (if approved) will also meet the Medicaid enrollment prerequisite for enrollment into a Medicaid Managed Care Provider Network. Once enrolled in Medicaid, LBAs can apply for participation into MCO's networks. This option also allows for the LBA to provide services (as an attending provider) for an Article 28 facility or group practice.

NOTE: If Medicaid enrollment is only needed for participation in a MCO network (not Billing FFS Medicaid) and/or the LBA is only providing services (as an attending provider) for an Article 28 facility or group practice, see option 2.
Option 2

Licensed Behavior Analysts (LBA) - Medicaid Managed Care (MMC)

Click here for enrollment instructions and forms for LBAs that will not be billing NYS FFS Medicaid. Medicaid enrollment is a prerequisite for enrollment into a Medicaid Managed Care Provider Network. Once enrolled in Medicaid, LBAs can apply for participation into MCO's networks. This option also allows for the LBA to provide services (as an attending provider) for an Article 28 facility or group practice.
Option 3

Certified Behavior Analyst Assistants (CBAA)

Click here for enrollment instructions and forms for CBAAs that will be providing services under the supervision of a Medicaid enrolled LBA.
Option 4

MMC/OPRA providers changing to Medicaid FFS Billing Provider

Click here for instructions and forms for existing LBA MMC/OPRA providers to enroll as a Medicaid FFS LBA provider and bill Medicaid FS for ABA services provided to Medicaid FFS members.

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