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EVV Technical User Guide

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If you have questions or are experiencing an issue with your EVV attestation or using the eMedNY Web Portal please contact the eMedNY call center at 1-800-343-9000

If you have questions or are experiencing an issue with submitting EVV transactions/responses or requesting/generating an EVV API key, please e-mail us at emednyapirequest@gdit.com

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

Section 12006(a) of the 21st Century Cures Act mandates that states implement EVV for all Medicaid personal care services (PCS) and home health services (HHCS) that require an in-home visit by a provider. This applies to PCS provided under sections 1905(a)(24), 1915(c), 1915(i), 1915(j), 1915(k), and Section 1115; and HHCS provided under 1905(a)(7) of the Social Security Act or a waiver.

EVV is a system that may include multiple point-of-care verification technologies, such as telephonic, mobile, and web-based verification inputs. The system electronically verifies the occurrence of home-or community-based service visits, identifying the time that service provision begins and ends to ensure accurate claims disbursement and safeguarding that beneficiaries who are authorized to receive services get the expected care. EVV is used to:

3 Simple Steps to send EVV to eMedNY

Enroll as eMedNY Medicaid Provider

Sign up on the Web Portal

Login to the API Gateway to get Keys & Test
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