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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for 834 Transactions

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Will the new eMedNY 834 be posted on the same SFTP server as the NYSoH 834? Will we have to get it from a different folder path?



Published: 11/07/2019


Updated: 04/07/2020





The NYSOH 834 and the eMedNY 834 are different files from different systems. eMedNY access details and business rules are published in both of the following documents on www.emedny.org in Transaction Instructions under the eMedNY HIPAA Support Tab:

  • The eMedNY Trading Partner Information Standard Companion Guide in the Connectivity/Communications section
  • The Managed Care Enrollment (MCE) 834 Companion Guide in the Payer Specific Business Rules and Limitations section


Where will the eMedNY 834 Client Enrollment file be delivered?



Published: 11/07/2019


Updated: 04/07/2020





Will the first file after go-live be an audit file?



Published: 11/25/2019


Updated: 11/25/2019





For support questions after go-live, who is the contact?



Published: 11/25/2019


Updated: 11/25/2019





Please advise the status of the various Maximus NYMC files (A, E, L, T, DU, Homeless etc.). What files will we continue to receive, and which will be discontinued?



Published: 12/10/2019


Updated: 12/10/2019





Does eMedNY/DOH expect to receive effectuations from Plans?



Published: 11/01/2019


Updated: 11/01/2019





Will there be any sort of error reporting for effectuations that are rejected by DOH? If so, what type of report will it be and how frequently will it be received?



Published: 11/01/2019


Updated: 11/01/2019





Will issuers be required to perform any sort of enrollment reconciliation with DOH?



Published: 11/25/2019


Updated: 01/03/2020


QID: L11



Will the submission of effectuations drive capitation payments?



Published: 11/01/2019


Updated: 11/01/2019


QID: L12



What is the QHP Policy ID referenced in 2000 REF - Member Supplemental Identifier noted in the 834 MCE Companion Guide, and does the value need to be stored within our system?



Published: 12/10/2019


Updated: 06/04/2020


QID: L13



If we have several different products (HARP, PACE etc.) will we receive one file?



Published: 11/01/2019


Updated: 11/01/2019


QID: L14



How can Plans determine in what order to process a client if the Plan receives different or overlapping information received over several different sources, i.e. both NYSOH and WMS?



Published: 04/01/2020


Updated: 04/01/2020


QID: L16



Currently, Plans get Retro disenrollment forms from the local districts (LDSS) to term a member based on a disenrollment reason code (i.e. 01 -  Incarceration, 02 Death). Should a Plan term the member prior to submitting a cancel transaction to the State?



Published: 01/16/2020


Updated: 02/25/2020


QID: L19



When the process is transitioned to the 834 format will clients be assigned new CIN numbers?



Published: 11/01/2019


Updated: 11/01/2019


QID: L20



Will the 025 maintenance type transaction (reinstatement/re-enrollment) be sent on the 834 file? The companion guide only referenced 001, 021, 024 and 030 maintenance type transactions.



Published: 11/07/2019


Updated: 11/07/2019


QID: L24



Which date should the Plan use as the Plan enrollment date, 348 Benefit Begin Date or 356 Plan Eligibility Begin Date?



Published: 11/07/2019


Updated: 11/07/2019


QID: L25



Which date should the Plan use as the Plan disenrollment date, 349 Benefit End Date or 357 Plan Eligibility End Date?



Published: 11/07/2019


Updated: 11/07/2019


QID: L26



Will the Primary Care Physician be provided on the 834-enrollment file?



Published: 11/07/2019


Updated: 11/07/2019


QID: L27



Who should the Plan mail correspondences to, "member in care of name" or "responsible party"?



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 12/19/2019


QID: L28



Will the Expected Date of Confinement (EDC - Due Date) be provided on the 834-enrollment file?



Published: 11/07/2019


Updated: 11/07/2019


QID: L29



What would be the source of truth, eMedNY or the 834-enrollment file?



Published: 11/07/2019


Updated: 11/07/2019


QID: L32



Are Head of Household and/or Responsible Party going to be indicated on the eMedNY 834?



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 12/19/2019


QID: L33



Will Nursing Home members be on the MCE 834? If so, what details can we expect?



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 08/23/2021


QID: L45



Will the Monthly Nursing Home Residents specialty roster continue?



Published: 01/08/2020


Updated: 01/08/2020


QID: L46



Will the Health Commerce System (HCS) site still be used for any roster files?



Published: 11/25/2019


Updated: 01/03/2020


QID: L47



Will LDSS still notify the plan for a member roster change for the current month?



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 12/19/2019


QID: L48



With the new 834 process, what will the DOH Guidelines for Confidential Address be?



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 04/07/2020


QID: L50



Will there be a monthly correction file?



Published: 11/25/2019


Updated: 11/25/2019


QID: L54



Will there be mass/retro rate adjustments communicated in the 834?



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 12/19/2019


QID: L55



How will unborn/newborns be sent in the 834?



Published: 12/10/2019


Updated: 01/03/2020


QID: L57



Third Party Liability Coverage - will this be populated?



Published: 11/25/2019


Updated: 11/25/2019


QID: L58



Will the values on the Verification file in the 348 (Benefit Begin Date) and 356 (Plan Eligibility Begin Date) dates show each member's original effective date, or will all members have the same date – the 1st of the month that the Verification file represents?



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 12/19/2019


QID: L64



If we have multiple ZIP files in a single day, with multiple 834s contained within each ZIP file, do we return a separate X12 999 Acknowledgement for each 834 within the zip file?



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 12/19/2019


QID: L65



What types of transactions can we receive on a single file for a single member?



Published: 01/08/2020


Updated: 01/08/2020


QID: L67



Can we get a breakdown of what the BGN02 value represents?



Published: 01/08/2020


Updated: 01/08/2020


QID: L68



Can we expect the "care name" or "guardian name" format in both downstate and upstate records to start being consistently first name first and last name last on the 834, or will it continue to be different from the 2 sources?



Published: 01/08/2020


Updated: 01/08/2020


QID: L71



There are a number of actions that HRA/LDSS does that brings Medicaid coverage down, E.g.: turning 65/ Pool/trust/CHHA. Will this impact the 834 transaction we receive, and, if so, how do we know HRA initiated this? How do we know if we have follow up?



Published: 01/08/2020


Updated: 01/08/2020


QID: L72



How will the plans be notified when a member loses or adds SSI?



Published: 01/08/2020


Updated: 01/08/2020


QID: L73



What is the plan regarding continued use of the supplemental files: RRE, NAMI, Disenrollments. If they are going to continue are the plans supposed to use this data to determine member benefit eligibility?



Published: 01/08/2020


Updated: 08/23/2021


QID: L76



It was mentioned that Maximus files will continue. Should these files be used for our source of eligibility?



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 12/19/2019


QID: L77



Maximus E files are daily and eMedNY 834s will be daily, so if Maximus enrolls a member and sends them on the E file and they don't appear on the daily eMedNY file should we enroll the member based on the E file or not?



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 12/19/2019


QID: L78



Maximus T files from Maximus are daily but eMedNY is only sending terms once a month. Should we term based on the Maximus T file or wait for eMedNY term file?



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 12/19/2019


QID: L79



Will all Managed Care Rosters be replaced with 834 (MLTC, Medicaid Advantage & Medicaid Advantage Plus, MMC, HARP)? The Companion guide appears to only refer to MMC and MLTC?



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 11/23/2020


QID: L80



What will the eMedNY 834 file naming structures be for Production and Test files?



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 04/07/2020


QID: L81



Will Plans continue to get a new CIN assigned to a member when they move from/to NYC?



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 12/19/2019


QID: L82



We noticed that the disenrollment reason codes only had 2 in the companion guide and we would like the same level of detailed disenrollment's that NYSoH provides.



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 06/04/2020


QID: L83



How will newborns be enrolled retroactively to month of birth? Prospective Add with a retro change?



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 12/19/2019


QID: L85



What is the process when members move from one plan to another (ex. MMC to HARP)?



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 12/19/2019


QID: L86



If terms are only happening on the 25th of the month will we only get "adds" for a member moving from MMC to HARP after the term on the 25th?



Published: 01/08/2020


Updated: 01/08/2020


QID: L87



Where will we be able to find the original plan effective date for the member on the initial "030" maintenance "full file"?



Published: 01/08/2020


Updated: 01/08/2020


QID: L89



Will a Reinstate be sent as a 021 ADD transaction?
Will we receive a 024 Term transaction prior to receiving the 021?



Published: 12/19/2019


Updated: 12/19/2019


QID: L93



Will other HCS reports be replaced by the 834 (Fair Hearing, Newborns, TPHI, etc.)?



Published: 01/29/2020


Updated: 12/07/2020


QID: L94



With the C/O being replaced with a Resp Person loop in the 834, will there no longer be a 3rd address line with a 'C/O' reference?



Published: 01/08/2020


Updated: 01/08/2020


QID: L95



Currently, when Plans receive retroactive disenrollments from the LDSS, should the Plan cancel the member?



Published: 01/16/2020


Updated: 01/16/2020


QID: L101



When we receive a disenrollment from the LDSS, do we need to submit a cancel transaction to eMedNY?



Published: 01/16/2020


Updated: 02/25/2020


QID: L102



What will happen to the 270/271 Process?



Published: 01/08/2020


Updated: 01/08/2020


QID: L103



What will happen to the 277 Process?



Published: 01/08/2020


Updated: 01/08/2020


QID: L104



Is there any possibility to get the SFTP file transfer process set up so it's more automated like NYSoH?



Published: 01/16/2020


Updated: 01/16/2020


QID: L105



If we detect Level 1 compliance errors on the 834 validation, how should those be communicated back to eMedNY?



Published: 01/16/2020


Updated: 01/16/2020


QID: L107



What will be the process for the SDOH Retro disenrollments report?



Published: 01/08/2020


Updated: 01/08/2020


QID: L108



How do we handle 834 transactions received from eMedNY where we would be unable to send a 999 acknowledgement?



Published: 01/16/2020


Updated: 01/16/2020


QID: L111



Can members change any demographic information through the plan or must they contact LDSS? How should these changes be reported to eMedNY if through the plan?



Published: 01/08/2020


Updated: 01/08/2020


QID: L112



Is there a separate document for what is expected in the "999 Interchange Acknowledgement" response file that is expected from the plans?



Published: 01/08/2020


Updated: 01/08/2020


QID: L113



How will temporary loss of Medicaid eligibility be indicated? Will temporary loss of Medicaid eligibility still require us to cover the member until they return to the roster or are disenrolled?



Published: 01/08/2020


Updated: 01/08/2020


QID: L115



Will the HIV SNP rate codes be provided in the 834 file?



Published: 01/16/2020


Updated: 01/16/2020


QID: L116



Will transgender/homeless/emancipated members be indicated on in the 834 file?



Published: 01/16/2020


Updated: 01/16/2020


QID: L118



How should we handle potential day-to-day changes to the elements involved in rate code calculation (age, sex, Aid Code, HIV status, transgender status, homeless status) and the downstream affect involving premium billing, claims payment and vendor services such as pharmacy and behavioral health that we might receive in the daily 834 file?



Published: 02/20/2020


Updated: 02/20/2020


QID: L119



When we send an 834 Effectuation to eMedNY, what kind of response should we expect from eMedNY for the submission? Will we receive a 999 Acknowledgement or an 834 response in return?



Published: 01/16/2020


Updated: 01/16/2020


QID: L124



Will Plans receive mapping guidance from current Roster to the X12 834 format?



Published: 01/16/2020


Updated: 01/16/2020


QID: L125



If a client is recertifying Medicaid and missed the verification file, will they come back as retro enrollment on a daily file?



Published: 01/29/2020


Updated: 01/29/2020


QID: L128



Can you clarify what the Renewal Date refers to? Is this the last day of coverage?



Published: 01/29/2020


Updated: 01/29/2020


QID: L130



How does a Plan react to the continuing current files (E, T, U etc.) and the 834? What if members show on these different files with different dates than the 834?



Published: 01/16/2020


Updated: 01/16/2020


QID: L131



If we get a retro Disenroll transaction on the 834 file for months for which the plan has received payment, can we use that transaction to initiate the refund, or will we need to wait for the formal retro term request asking for premiums back?



Published: 01/16/2020


Updated: 01/16/2020


QID: L132



If the Spend Down/Excess Income is updated, will the file include the effective date of the change?



Published: 01/29/2020


Updated: 01/29/2020


QID: L134



QHP ID - if plans do not send back effectuations, will this be a risk as it relates to the QHP ID/Plan Assigned Policy ID?



Published: 01/29/2020


Updated: 01/29/2020


QID: L136



If Marital Status is not included on the Roster file, will the eMedNY 834 file have Marital Status populated?



Published: 01/29/2020


Updated: 01/29/2020


QID: L137



Currently on the HARP roster, we receive either TANF or SSI rate codes. Will that continue with the 834, or will the Health Plan receive the HARP rate code?



Published: 01/29/2020


Updated: 01/29/2020


QID: L138



Currently, when a member switches from HIX to Roster and vice-versa, new CINs are bring created. Is there a plan to fix this?



Published: 02/20/2020


Updated: 02/20/2020


QID: L139



Will the data be sourced by the County, so we know where to go with inquiries?



Published: 02/20/2020


Updated: 04/07/2020


QID: L142



If we opt not to send Effectuations, would it be possible to send a unique file with address updates?



Published: 02/20/2020


Updated: 02/20/2020


QID: L143



In the 834 guide, the 2100A PER TE-telephone segment states "Member Local District's or Case Worker's Telephone (TE) number will be valued, when available." Will we be getting the member's phone number?



Published: 02/20/2020


Updated: 02/20/2020


QID: L144



From the 834 guide - "Member's County of Residence will be identified. When available, a 5-digit FIPS County Code will be sent, otherwise a 2-digit county code will be valued". What are the circumstances when we would get a 2-digit county code instead of a 5-digit FIPS county code?



Published: 02/20/2020


Updated: 04/07/2020


QID: L145



2300 REF*X9 (Policy Number) - What is this value and does it map to a value we currently get on the Roster?



Published: 03/18/2020


Updated: 03/18/2020


QID: L146



When a member turns 21, will we get a change record on the 834 with a new rate code?



Published: 02/20/2020


Updated: 02/20/2020


QID: L148



What are the expected file naming conventions for the 999 and the 834 Effectuation files we send to eMedNY?



Published: 02/25/2020


Updated: 02/25/2020


QID: L149



The exchange (NYSoH) 834s have a "Request Submit Timestamp" in Loop ID 2750. We notice this will not be on the eMedNY 834s. Will the eMedNY 834s have an equivalent time stamp?



Published: 03/18/2020


Updated: 03/18/2020


QID: L151



Currently we receive daily E-flies for all approved members. Per the FAQ on 834 NYS website, it is mentioned that the 834 should be considered as the source of truth. What will the future state be after 834 go-live?



Published: 03/18/2020


Updated: 03/23/2020


QID: L152



If a member is approved on the 2/13/2020 E-file for a 3/1/2020 enrollment date, will this member also appear on the 834 file on the same day as 2/13/2020 or the next day?
Will there be any delay between the members appearing on the E-file vs. the 834 file?



Published: 03/23/2020


Updated: 03/23/2020


QID: L153



Will the 834 carry the same Aid Categories as the WMS roster?



Published: 03/18/2020


Updated: 04/07/2020


QID: L154



Will the 834 file have fields that can have repeating contents? The current NYS Roster file fields have singular content. For example, the current Health Exchange EDI 834 record can have multiple phone numbers in a phone number field, but the NYS Roster has just one number in a phone number field. In these scenarios, how should we determine which number is the primary phone number?



Published: 03/18/2020


Updated: 03/18/2020


QID: L157



Understanding that the Maximus E files are not to be used as source of eligibility, should they be used for any kind of differences between them and the eMedNY 834 that is received? Should we be using the 834 ONLY for all member information?



Published: 04/14/2020


Updated: 04/14/2020


QID: L158



Please confirm the data value that should be populated within the 2300 Loop REF01 = 1L and REF02. According to the 834 manual, REF01 = 1L and REF02 are reserved for the group number and the issuer assigned policy ID which are already provided within the 2000 Loop. Is the expectation to provide it once again in the 2300 Loop as well?



Published: 03/18/2020


Updated: 03/18/2020


QID: L161



We need further clarity regarding the REJECT REASON and EXCEPTION from the ADDL MAINT REASON under the 2750 Loop on the Effectuation. Is the REJECT REASON mandatory for all EXCEPTIONS? If so, what is considered an acceptable REJECT REASON and in what format should it be provided (i.e., free-form text, character limit, etc.)?



Published: 03/18/2020


Updated: 03/18/2020


QID: L162



In the INS04 (Loop-ID 2000), we noted it does not appear to be valued, except on an 024 record with an 03 (Death). Is this the only value that will be populated?



Published: 03/23/2020


Updated: 03/23/2020


QID: L164



Would there ever be more than one disenrollment reason sent for a TERM (024)? The sample test data shows reason codes could be valued under two different reporting categories ("WMS ENROLL/DISENROLL REASON" and "DISENROLL RSN"). If both of these reporting categories are valued on a TERM (024), which reason code should be used by the Plan?



Published: 04/14/2020


Updated: 04/14/2020


QID: L165



In the MCE 834 Companion Guide, Loop ID 2750, DTP - Reporting Category Date, the comments state, "Effective Dates associated with several of the Member Reporting Categories will be sent, when applicable. To see when date(s) may be sent refer to Section 4.1.1 Table A - Member Reporting Category (Loop 2700) Iterations. End date will be populated only on TERM transactions". This seems incorrect; the Companion Guide has end dates for other types of transactions.



Published: 03/23/2020


Updated: 04/06/2020


QID: L166



What types of transactions would we see an "RD8" Date Qualifier on a record, other than TERM transactions?



Published: 03/23/2020


Updated: 03/23/2020


QID: L167



If we have MEDICAID, LTC, MAP and HARP Plans, to which Line of Business (Product) would the EXCESS and NAMI segments (see examples below) apply



Published: 03/18/2020


Updated: 08/24/2020


QID: L168



Regarding FAQ L138, does this mean ALL HARP transactions will have a 7580 in the Rate Code Reporting Category? On the HARP Roster files today, were are receiving the normal (ex: 2201, 2205,2209) Rate Codes.



Published: 03/18/2020


Updated: 03/18/2020


QID: L170



Could you outline the timing/frequency of the daily 834 Roster Replacement file?



Published: 03/18/2020


Updated: 03/18/2020


QID: L171



Will plans receive transactions created on the same day which negate one another or will these be suppressed in the eMedNY system?
For example:
02/28/2020 Addition 04/01/2020
02/28/2020 CancelTerminate 04/01/2020-04/01/2020



Published: 03/23/2020


Updated: 03/23/2020


QID: L172



Will the transition to the eMedNY 834 prevent duplicate member enrollments into two MCOs?



Published: 04/01/2020


Updated: 04/01/2020


QID: L174



If Third Party Liability Coverage is on the file, will that always be included on a CancelTerminate transaction, or will the plan be required to notify DSS to have the member disenrolled for TPHI?



Published: 03/23/2020


Updated: 03/23/2020


QID: L175



Are Managed Care Coordinators prepared to assist Plans with eligibility discrepancies related to the eMedNY 834 transactions? Will they continue to correspond with Plans using email, mail and fax?



Published: 03/30/2020


Updated: 04/07/2020


QID: L176



What will the process be to request the Verification/Audit Files two times per year?



Published: 04/01/2020


Updated: 06/04/2020


QID: L177



If a Plan opts to not send Effectuations, as they are not required, the Plan Assigned Policy Identifier would not be reported by that Plan.
Is reporting the Plan Assigned Policy Identifier optional for plans choosing to effectuate?



Published: 04/01/2020


Updated: 04/01/2020


QID: L178



Plans currently receive an Excel spreadsheet uploaded through our HCS account that we download and manually key to our eligibility/claims systems. This allows us the opportunity to review and possibly appeal.
Will this process now be incorporated into the 834 process? If so, will there be Maintenance Reason Codes used to identify these members for other downstream workflow processes, or will this process remain outside of the 834 transactions?



Published: 03/23/2020


Updated: 03/23/2020


QID: L179



Will an edit be created to prevent members from being added to our plan if they have active TPHI in WMS?
Should a plan accept an 834 transaction for a member with TPHI or reject it back, so that the member can be disenrolled under the terms of our contract?



Published: 03/23/2020


Updated: 03/23/2020


QID: L180



It was indicated the current COB file we receive would be going away since this information will now be received on the 834. Will the current Carrier Codes be sent in the 2330 loop or will another identifier be used?



Published: 04/07/2020


Updated: 04/07/2020


QID: L183



Are the change transactions going to have all the information for the member in each change transaction? Or only the elements that changed?



Published: 04/01/2020


Updated: 04/01/2020


QID: L185



If an add transaction has excess income but the change does not have any amount at all (meaning an empty income loop in the change file), would this mean the excess income is removed? Can this be a case?



Published: 04/01/2020


Updated: 04/01/2020


QID: L186



Assuming there was no excess income in the add transaction, can the change transaction for the same member have an excess income?



Published: 04/01/2020


Updated: 04/01/2020


QID: L187



If an add transaction has excess income but the change has a zero amount, currently, we will consider the member went from excess income to no excess income. Is this correct?



Published: 04/01/2020


Updated: 04/01/2020


QID: L188



Health Plans have been receiving communications from NYS that will require plans to send the HIOS ID on all encounter submissions to the All Payer Claims Database. On these 834 files from eMedNY, there seems to be no HIOS ID. Are you aware of the requirements with NYS that issuers and vendors supply the HIOS ID on submissions, and will you be working on a plan to send a HIOS ID?



Published: 04/01/2020


Updated: 04/01/2020


QID: L190



The Local DSS office code field is not available on 834 as per the crosswalk. How do we know what the LDSS code is?



Published: 04/07/2020


Updated: 04/07/2020


QID: L194



Category Code position 279 – 280 on the current roster file: these values are N/A on the 834. Specifically, the Medicaid buy-in codes 70 and 71 that are currently passed on the roster. Please let us know how to look for this information in the 834.



Published: 04/27/2020


Updated: 04/27/2020


QID: L195



Capitation Code does not seem to be populated anywhere on the 834. Will this be in the 834, or should we assume it is always '03'?



Published: 04/07/2020


Updated: 04/07/2020


QID: L196



Guarantee date: this field is not populated. Is there another field that should be referred to?



Published: 04/01/2020


Updated: 04/01/2020


QID: L197



In the Companion Guide Crosswalk, the Authorization Date field is not valued in the eMedNY 834. Is this field not available?



Published: 05/04/2020


Updated: 05/04/2020


QID: L198



Transaction date: this field is not available on the eMedNY 834. Is it because the 834 files are daily and the date of the file refers to the transaction date?



Published: 04/14/2020


Updated: 04/14/2020


QID: L199



New Indicator: in the WMS roster, this field had an asterisk (*) symbol. Should we assume that any member with 'Add' maintenance code, i.e. 021, is a new member on the file?



Published: 04/01/2020


Updated: 04/01/2020


QID: L200



We are loading indicators in our source system for auto-assignment for subsequent reporting. Can you please verify the WMS Enroll/Disenroll Reason Codes below are the appropriate values to identify auto assignment to us?




Published: 04/01/2020


Updated: 04/01/2020


QID: L201



How many sets of COB (Coordination of Benefits) data should plans expect?



Published: 04/07/2020


Updated: 04/07/2020


QID: L204



Will the Case Number always be the same if there is more than one member related to a Case Name? If there are multiple people under the same Case Name, will they also have the same Case Number?



Published: 04/14/2020


Updated: 04/14/2020


QID: L205



We are having some challenges with loading the Case name as it's being presented in the 2100G loop NM103. Is there any way to parse the name into last and first so that we get NM103 and NM104?



Published: 04/20/2020


Updated: 06/04/2020


QID: L206



When the Case Name is valued in Loop 2100G, can eMedNY also pass the mailing address within the same loop?



Published: 05/04/2020


Updated: 05/04/2020


QID: L207



Care-of Name: it states in the Companion Guide that it's being sent in the 2100A. However, in the daily files, we have noted that it also appears in 2100C. Does the guide just need to be updated to show the different locations?



Published: 04/27/2020


Updated: 06/04/2020


QID: L208



If we have an SSI case in a TA or MA household, will it be grouped with the same case name/number? If not grouped together, will the case name be the Parent if it's a child SSI case?



Published: 04/14/2020


Updated: 04/14/2020


QID: L210



How will plans receive rate codes for the SNP population?



Published: 04/14/2020


Updated: 04/14/2020


QID: L211



Please summarize the flow of eligibility information between eMedNY, Maximus, and the MCO.



Published: 04/14/2020


Updated: 04/14/2020


QID: L212



The Business Processing Rules in the Companion Guide state: "Plan needs to maintain the coverage by source (WMS, NYSoH, Maximus, etc)." This does not align with many other FAQs that state the Maximus files are to be used as supplemental only. Can you please clarify why this is in the Business Rules?



Published: 04/20/2020


Updated: 06/04/2020


QID: L216



When the Companion Guide references 834, does this refer to 834 files from eMedNY and 834 files from Maximus (e.g. E and T files), or do these refer only to the eMedNY 834 files?



Published: 04/20/2020


Updated: 04/20/2020


QID: L217



We see members appearing with Nursing Home Rate Codes on the test 834. How can we find out the effective date of the Rate Code change?



Published: 04/14/2020


Updated: 04/26/2022


QID: L221



We plan on using the (030) Verification files to reconcile the membership prior to the initial daily incremental files going "live". Does this align with how the Department of Health thinks that this file should be used?



Published: 04/27/2020


Updated: 04/27/2020


QID: L222



When the daily eMedNY 834 is sent to a Plan, if we receive a change, term or cancel for a member that we do not have active/enrolled in our system, we will generate an error report. If we send this report to eMedNY, how will that be handled?



Published: 04/27/2020


Updated: 04/27/2020


QID: L223



How do we determine if a member has been auto-assigned to our Plan?



Published: 04/27/2020


Updated: 04/27/2020


QID: L224



As a Plan, we would like a listing of our Rate Codes; how can we do that?



Published: 05/04/2020


Updated: 05/04/2020


QID: L226



When the MCO sends the U file to Maximus, does Maximus confirm eligibility with eMedNY the same day that the U file is received, or the following day?



Published: 05/11/2020


Updated: 05/11/2020


QID: L227



When a member moves from one product to another, where do we find the effective date of the change, and in what order do we need to process files, when we get multiple MMIS ID files on the same day?



Published: 05/26/2020


Updated: 05/26/2020


QID: L228



When a member changes their case number, where do we find the effective date of the change, and what happens if the change occurs mid-month?



Published: 05/26/2020


Updated: 05/26/2020


QID: L229



When a member changes rate code, where do we find the effective date of the change?



Published: 05/26/2020


Updated: 04/26/2022


QID: L230



Will the 030-audit file include Adds, Changes, and Terms that we haven't already received from a previous roster? Should we expect that any of the prospective enrollment on the 030 file will be on the subsequent daily files as new Adds?



Published: 05/26/2020


Updated: 05/26/2020


QID: L231



If there are no member records to send on a given daily eMedNY 834 file, will a blank file be sent?



Published: 05/26/2020


Updated: 05/26/2020


QID: L232



Is eMedNY planning on sending any sort of daily notification indicating that the eMedNY 834 file was successfully posted to the eMedNY eXchange portal?



Published: 05/26/2020


Updated: 05/26/2020


QID: L233



Will there be a way for DOH to implement data entry standards with LDSS offices in order to normalize entries in fields such as Case Name, C/O Name and Address entries for City and Street?



Published: 06/08/2020


Updated: 06/08/2020


QID: L234



Will unborns and newborns be issued a default rate code?



Published: 06/04/2020


Updated: 06/04/2020


QID: L237



Will Term transactions be sent only once a month (on the 25th), or will Terms be sent on a daily basis?



Published: 06/08/2020


Updated: 06/08/2020


QID: L238



If a newborn has a missing date of birth and/or gender, can eMedNY populate a default rate code?



Published: 06/08/2020


Updated: 06/08/2020


QID: L240



If a rate code is missing due to incorrect/mismatched data from WMS, can eMedNY populate a default rate code?



Published: 06/08/2020


Updated: 06/08/2020


QID: L241



Will the eMedNY 834 send any transactions with a maintenance reason code of "41- Re-enrollment" to indicate renewals, like is currently received on the NYSOH 834?



Published: 07/08/2020


Updated: 07/08/2020


QID: L242



Today, our Plan utilizes the PCP Error Rosters from HCS to determine members who lose Medicaid eligibility due to a lapse in coverage.

FAQ # L94 advises that the PCP Error Rosters will no longer be distributed to plans. Can you please advise how we will be able to identify these members within the 834? Will there be a certain code we should be on the lookout for?



Published: 06/30/2020


Updated: 06/30/2020


QID: L243



During today's call, one of the plans had a question regarding receiving a change transaction on a rate code for their member. He asked what should be the effective date of rate code change and, I believe, the answer was the date of the change file received. My followup question to this is, what if the change file was received mid-month…say today? Current state, all WMS changes are effective the first of a given month. Please advise when possible.



Published: 06/30/2020


Updated: 04/26/2022


QID: L245



Can you provide the Loop and Segment on the eMedNY 834 that we should be utilizing to determine the "Care-Of Person" effective date?

Our system requires this data in order to determine when one "Care-Of Person" ends and the other begins, should the role ever change to a different person.



Published: 07/20/2020


Updated: 07/20/2020


QID: L247



Our plan received an 834 TERM transaction, with a Maintenance Reason Code: 03-DEATH and a Date of Death as "99991231". What date do we use as the actual date of death?



Published: 08/24/2020


Updated: 08/24/2020


QID: L249



Currently, there is not an indicator on the roster that identifies veteran members; will there be an indicator on the new 834 roster for MAP? If no indicator exists on the roster, what resource should the health plan utilize to identify the population?



Published: 08/24/2020


Updated: 08/24/2020


QID: L253



When a member has a gap in coverage, the current WMS roster maintains their original Effective Date, but the eMedNY 834 does not. Why is that?



Published: 08/24/2020


Updated: 08/24/2020


QID: L254



Can you please advise if the HCBS K codes will be included with all other RRE codes in the eMedNY 834 file?



Published: 08/24/2020


Updated: 08/24/2020


QID: L255



What is the correct process to follow when a member overlaps between WMS and NYSOH?



Published: 09/22/2020


Updated: 09/22/2020


QID: L256



Will all Medicaid Advantage and Medicaid Advantage Plus members (both deemed and non-deemed) be included on the new Medicaid 834 file and identified by rate code?



Published: 08/24/2020


Updated: 08/24/2020


QID: L257



Please confirm if we will see NAMI/EXCESS MSG in conjunction with, or instead of, a valid NAMI and/or EXCESS dollar amount. What are the possible combinations per member record?



Published: 08/24/2020


Updated: 08/24/2020


QID: L258



Previously, we received an enroll/disenroll source on the E or T file such as P = Phone Transfer, 6 = Auto Transfer or X = Regular. How do these code tie to INS04 Maintenance Reason Codes?



Published: 08/17/2020


Updated: 08/17/2020


QID: L259



If we get a newborn update directly from mom, or the newborn report, and we have the Unborn pre-enrollment in our system, should we update that baby per the MMC contract manually in our systems, or wait for the 834 transaction to arrive?



Published: 08/31/2020


Updated: 08/31/2020


QID: L260



We understand we may receive Adds prospectively (HARP to MMC, or MMC to HARP) before we get a Term on the 25th for the old plan. However, how will this translate with retroactive enrollments or retroactive terms?



Published: 09/08/2020


Updated: 09/10/2020


QID: L261



How are plans expected to use the name eMedNY sends in the 2100G Responsible Person/Responsible Party loop?

Based on previous FAQ responses (L28 & L33), we were not expecting a Responsible Person.



Published: 10/05/2020


Updated: 10/05/2020


QID: L262



Could you please provide a document which clarifies all changes which will and will not trigger outbound 834 transactions being sent to the managed care plans?



Published: 10/27/2020


Updated: 10/27/2020


QID: L263



Currently, MCOs receive 1st and 2nd pulldown Rosters on a schedule. Enrollments, reenrollments, and reinstatements of members can be performed by the caseworker in the WMS system up until 2nd pulldown. Late enrollments, reenrollments and reinstatements of members after 2nd pulldown has already been received/processed can be denied by the MCO.

For the Future State, will the DSS MCO's reach out and request approval from the health plans for late enrollments, reenrollments and reinstatements once we move to the eMedNY 834 transaction process?



Published: 09/08/2020


Updated: 09/10/2020


QID: L264



Will there be a specified time each day the 834 files will be available for Plans to retrieve?

Is there any way that we can agree on a plan that we would get our files daily by "X" time and that if we have not received them on our site by that time:
1. Who do we reach out to?
2. Can we just process those files in the next day's run?



Published: 09/08/2020


Updated: 11/03/2022


QID: L265



If the plan does not receive an eMedNY 834 file, how do we determine if we really are not supposed to get a file that day, or if there is a technical issue causing a delay?



Published: 10/05/2020


Updated: 10/05/2020


QID: L267



Will multiple transactions for a single member always be sequential within the file?



Published: 09/28/2020


Updated: 09/28/2020


QID: L268



Is there a list of all possible multiple transaction scenarios and their usage?
Does a Term followed by an Add signify a break/gap in coverage?



Published: 09/22/2020


Updated: 09/22/2020


QID: L269



How are plans expected to process retroactive enrollments which are received outside of the current NYS DOH Roster Pulldown Schedule?



Published: 09/28/2020


Updated: 09/28/2020


QID: L273



How will multiple births (twins, triplets, etc.) be submitted on the 834 file?



Published: 09/28/2020


Updated: 09/28/2020


QID: L274



When a Unborn becomes Born (New born), will the Effective date (DTP*348) be sent over as the DOB on the Change transaction? If not, what date would be populated there?



Published: 10/05/2020


Updated: 10/05/2020


QID: L275



If the member is currently active and we get a RATE CODE change, what is the effective date for that change?



Published: 09/28/2020


Updated: 04/26/2022


QID: L276



If the eMedNY 834 file fails EDI Validation on the side of the Plan and is rejected, would a corrected file be submitted the same day?

If not, how do plans accommodate sequencing multiple transactions on multiple files for membership?



Published: 10/05/2020


Updated: 10/05/2020


QID: L277



Loop 2320 COB Segment (Coordination of Benefits) - The companion guide states COB02 will contain an 11- digit MBI or 16-digit Other Payer Policy Sequence Number.

Can you provide more information on what the Other Payer Policy Sequence Number is, and will it always be 16 digits?



Published: 10/05/2020


Updated: 10/05/2020


QID: L278



WMS Enroll/Disenroll Reason Codes – eMedNY sends WMS Reason Codes on all Transaction Types.

Can you provide additional information on how this is used? More specifically, how this is used in conjunction with INS04, which is used to report Maintenance Reason Code for Changes, Additions, Cancellations or Terminations?

Which value should be used as the true source of enrollment/disenrollment reason?



Published: 09/28/2020


Updated: 09/28/2020


QID: L280



Will there be a change to how plans send known Third Party Liability (TPL) reports to DOH, or are we supposed to continue our current processes?



Published: 10/19/2020


Updated: 10/19/2020


QID: L282



After the 834 Go-Live, will OMIG still send the Restricted Recipients File twice a month the way they currently do?



Published: 10/19/2020


Updated: 10/19/2020


QID: L283



With regard to the biannual Verification files, will there be an automatic scheduling, or a way plans can schedule when they will be sent after go-live, or is it entirely based on when they are manually requested by the plan?



Published: 11/02/2020


Updated: 11/02/2020


QID: L285



With the Dual Default Enrollment process scheduled to begin approximately 4/1/2021, we are wondering if there is any guidance on what we would expect in the 834s to correctly map members into the correct rate codes and benefits.

Will they come in with a specific MED RATE CODE?

Will there be an RRE code indicator?

Will they be sent on the MMC or HARP files or will they be in the DUAL files?



Published: 11/23/2020


Updated: 11/23/2020


QID: L291



Currently, when members appear on the PCP Error Roster, plans do not terminate them, as the health plan is responsible for assisting with Medicaid Recertification and assumes the risk until a decision is made by HRA.

If these members are termed on the 834 due to the lapse in coverage, is the expectation for plans to term these members, or should we continue with our current process and not term them until we confirm Medicaid eligibility?



Published: 12/07/2020


Updated: 12/07/2020


QID: L293



WMS Enroll/Disenroll Reason code 95 indicates "Lost Medicaid Eligibility." Is it practical for a member to have both WMS Enroll/Disenroll Reason code 95 and DISENROLL RSN code LPS? Is there a difference between WMS Enroll/Disenroll Reason code 95 and DISENROLL RSN code LPS?



Published: 12/07/2020


Updated: 12/07/2020


QID: L294



We noticed in the Verification (Audit) file that all of the member records for both MLTC and MAP are designated as "TE" Termed rather than ""AC"" Active. Per the companion guide, TE is only sent on Cancel or Term transactions. Is this an issue?



Published: 12/07/2020


Updated: 12/07/2020


QID: L297



Please clarify how plans will be notified of member disenrollments. Will the term transactions for most disenrollments be included on the file received on the 26th of the month?

We enter disenrollment date as the first of the following month – do we need to change this practice in order to be captured on the current month file?



Published: 12/07/2020


Updated: 12/07/2020


QID: L298



We just need clarification on the single source 834 "Recert Date" field. Is that the exact recertification date (just like NYC provides) or is this going to be the authorization date (auth to) date on the SDOH rosters?
We have different code in our system as far as outreach would be concerned ("auth to" would be 6 weeks prior to their actual recertification date as opposed to their exact NYC recertification date.)

Would you know which field will be sent to us?



Published: 12/07/2020


Updated: 11/03/2022


QID: L299



How do we identify the Policy Number for Commercial Plans? In the CG, it indicates in 2320 COB02 this value will be the MBI for Medicare, otherwise it will the Other Payer Sequence Number, which is 16 digits in length and does not reflect the actual policy number for the member’s commercial insurance policy. If the Policy Number is not being sent in the 834, will there be a supplemental file available with this information?



Published: 01/12/2021


Updated: 01/12/2021


QID: L304



When we receive a 001 ADD transaction for an unborn member, then an 021 CHANGE transaction when that member is born, will we be sent an 024 TERM transaction for the unborn record?



Published: 02/16/2021


Updated: 02/16/2021


QID: L305



In cases where the Medicaid Number (CIN) changes, what kind of transaction will indicate this on the eMedNY 834, and will the eMedNY 834 supply both the new and old CIN number, or only the new number?



Published: 02/16/2021


Updated: 02/16/2021


QID: L312



The original effective date from WMS in the 348-date field on maintenance changes is problematic as many of these dates are much earlier than our internal effective date. Is it at all possible for Maintenance changes to be for the first of the current month or first of the following month? We like to stay away from manipulating source data.



Published: 02/16/2021


Updated: 02/16/2021


QID: L313



Our plan is getting a high volume of XT transactions (INS04=XT TRANSFER). We usually term the member, however, when we contacted the county, we are being told that these members are actually active with our plan. What should we be doing with these XT TRANSFER members?



Published: 02/22/2021


Updated: 02/22/2021


QID: L323



How do plans handle overlapping eMedNY and NYSOH transactions where we determine it to be the same member, but different CINs (one from NYSOH and other from WMS Upstate) and both are active in the eMedNY system?



Published: 02/22/2021


Updated: 02/22/2021


QID: L325



Is there a cross reference available for the NH Roster (NHMMDDYY) and the eMedNY 834?



Published: 03/16/2021


Updated: 03/16/2021


QID: L326



What do plans use to process changes received for different Lines Of Business (LOBs) on same day with different/same begin dates? Are the LOBs processed in the same order each time?



Published: 03/19/2021


Updated: 03/19/2021


QID: L329



Why are we receiving multiple NAMI records for same enrollment period?



Published: 04/06/2021


Updated: 04/06/2021


QID: L330



We received files from NY Medicaid Choice, but have yet to receive an eMedNY 834 file. Should we wait for the eMedNY 834 file before disenrolling or enrolling a consumer in our system?



Published: 03/19/2021


Updated: 03/19/2021


QID: L332



What does the health plan do when we receive eMedNY 834 eligibility transactions that are for members who are enrolled through a Fiscal County that we are not contracted/approved in?



Published: 04/12/2021


Updated: 04/12/2021


QID: L333



For members who identify as non-binary or Gender X, does the eMedNY 834 have the ability to accept ‘U-Unknown’ in DMG03? Example: DMG*D8*19821002*U~



Published: 06/22/2021


Updated: 06/22/2021


QID: L335


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